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The Gary DeMar Podcast

Feb 10, 2025

Gary discusses recent articles about immigration and birth rates. So called anti-natalists put the welfare of the planet over the welfare of humanity, but they are seldom willing to rid the planet of themselves first. Gary calls materialistic "science" into the argument to point out the hypocrisy.

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Feb 5, 2025

Gary runs over a few recent news stories and how the media is struggling to keep up with everything happening. Gary puts his unique spin and view on the topics and reminds listeners that politicians, while important, are not the answer to solving everything. Christians need to stay involved and informed.

Jan 29, 2025

Gary discusses the current state of the country now that President Trump has taken office. Many of the things Trump is doing in his first week in office are positive and following through on campaign promises, but some are still nitpicking his every move. Gary tries to bring some historicity, rationality, and...

Jan 13, 2025

Gary discusses two new books now available from American Vision, Gary's North's Victim's Rights and Gary DeMar's newest book Prophecy Wars. These two have more in common than might be apparent to many, but both are essentially apologetic works about controversial topics about the Bible.

Jan 8, 2025

In this continuation of his first lecture given to a high school class, Gary points out that religion will always exist in society. If the biblical God is not recognized in a culture, something else will always take His place. Even atheism is a religion, despite the denials of its...